Friday, May 29, 2009

Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC)

Have you heard of ICC ? It's an initial for Innovative & Creative Circle. Previously it was known as QCC (Quality Control Circle). Being a workplace problem solving tools, it was one from many improvement methods taken from Japan. My workplace is one that provide training for this method in Malaysia. To implement it must have a strong support from management side. An ICC team consist of not more than 7 members that work together in a same workplace. They are suppose to sit and discuss what are the problems that they must eliminate or are there an improvement that could be done to gain more revenue for their company. They also must set up specific time frame for their project to be completed.PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Action) are the main rules that they must adhere to make sure the success of the project. Companies are likely to adopt ICC in their workplace because they will get back what have been invested in forms of less-wastage, shorter timeframe for a work process and the best off all, it's all were done by their own staff and personnel. One of the example of output from ICC that have been beneficial are process time to apply for a pasport at Immigration of Malaysia that is now only in a day compared to previous time. It is a benefit for all applicants of Malaysian passport nowadays so that they don't have to wait for their 'whole life'. I'm writing this in the middle of ICC convention of MPC. It's kinda hectic and lots of last minute work to finalise our project. The convention will be tomorrow, full day. Hope our presentation will gone well...

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