Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jaya Supermarket, Section 14, Petaling jaya Tragedy

The tragedy happened on last thursday, 30th May 2009 about 4.45 pm when the building collapsed. Historically, Jaya Supermarket building was a well-known landmark for Petaling Jaya since 1974 (I was only born 6 years after that). About the tragedy, i have questions pending to be answered in my head. Among the questions are:

How does our construction industry (in Malaysia) is monitored?

Did they monitor enough in terms of giving approval for this such 'redevelopment' project?

Are the implementation on the work done after the approval monitored?

I'm asking because I was not a civil engineering student, so of course I didn't know and didn't understand the procedure for it. But no matter what answer I will get for the two questions above, one more question will be harder to be answered. Does all building we live in, work in and shop in are 100% safe to be lived in, worked in and shop in? How do we answer this question when car park of Jaya Supermarket building that was only approved by the Local Council to be extended for only 6 storey became 10 storey?. It was the story of early 90's where the disaster took place after approximately 18 years after that. How about other structure around us?. Is it really safe for ourself and our families? Thank god this Jaya Supermarket tragedy happened in the middle of the process to redevelop it and not before or after that to be risky enough for the life of public. It is not impossible for this tragedy to happen on other structure, if no comprehensive and consistent measure be put into place. May this tragedy act as a guide for a better and safer living for Malaysian.

p/s: Until this blog were written, 4 construction worker has been found killed in this tragedy. May god bless them. 12 houses near the tragedy area also has been ordered to be cleared in order for the authorities to run the demolishing for the whole of the structure left.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC)

Have you heard of ICC ? It's an initial for Innovative & Creative Circle. Previously it was known as QCC (Quality Control Circle). Being a workplace problem solving tools, it was one from many improvement methods taken from Japan. My workplace is one that provide training for this method in Malaysia. To implement it must have a strong support from management side. An ICC team consist of not more than 7 members that work together in a same workplace. They are suppose to sit and discuss what are the problems that they must eliminate or are there an improvement that could be done to gain more revenue for their company. They also must set up specific time frame for their project to be completed.PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Action) are the main rules that they must adhere to make sure the success of the project. Companies are likely to adopt ICC in their workplace because they will get back what have been invested in forms of less-wastage, shorter timeframe for a work process and the best off all, it's all were done by their own staff and personnel. One of the example of output from ICC that have been beneficial are process time to apply for a pasport at Immigration of Malaysia that is now only in a day compared to previous time. It is a benefit for all applicants of Malaysian passport nowadays so that they don't have to wait for their 'whole life'. I'm writing this in the middle of ICC convention of MPC. It's kinda hectic and lots of last minute work to finalise our project. The convention will be tomorrow, full day. Hope our presentation will gone well...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Welcome to 'Aizulhisham's Line of Life'

This is my first entry into Blogspot. Take it as a 'welcome' sign from me for those who read this. Hopefully I'm having sufficient stories to put in, or else it might be like a 'long-time-no-open' blog. Hopefully not... I'l try to put things that could act as an insight for readers and most of it will be zoomed about life as my blog title, 'Aizulhisham's line of Life'. Feel free to comment on any of my post so that I could share experience with other bloggers out there... chow