Survey punya survey, ada 2 je harga sewa motor yg ditawarkan (motor banyak, harga 2 ni jer) RM 40 dan RM 30. RM 40 tu adalah daripada pemberi sewa yang nak kaut untung lebih sempena musim perayaan macam sekarang. RM 30 tu memang harga standard. Kami ambik 2 buah motor dengan harga sewaan RM 30 sebuah (Aku 30, Wan 30). Aku bawak skuter (modelnya dah tak ingat) sambil bonceng wife, dan Wan bawak Honda EX5 Class sambil bonceng Man. Maka merondalah kami pusing-pusing Pulau Pangkor dalam keadaan matahari tegak atas kepala. Bukan tak pernah buat sebelum ni tapi bile ada 4 orang ni seronoknya lain sikit.Best juga bawa skuter ni, pulas ajer jalan.... tak payah fikir gear atau klac. Naik jalan berbukit yang banyak kat Pangkor ni pun laju je...
Kami cuba jejak air terjun berdasarkan 'signboard' yang ada, tapi sampai satu peringkat, jalan tu masuk ke hutan dan cuma boleh di trekking dengan berjalan kaki. Kami singgah di pekan Pulau Pangkor (dekat dengan jeti) untuk cucuk duit kat ATM Maybank (masing-masing dah kering dan perlu talian hayat). Lepas tu ke Kota Belanda pulak, tempat bersejarah. Aku pulak ambil kesempatan untuk cari kedai gambar sebab nak transfer gambar yang dalam memory card kamera sony, dah penuh, holiday tak habis lagi. Minta kedai tu transfer dalam DVD (sebab fail besar) dan aku boleh format memory card untuk tangkap gambar lagi.
Kami meronda dengan motor tak lama, adalah dalam 2 jam. Dalam pukul 5.00 kami gerak balik untuk siap-siap nak mandi petang pulak. Rugi tak mandi puas-puas woo datang Pangkor ni. Pagi, petang, siang, malam mandi, mandi dan mandi. Untuk kali yang kedua, baby kami Lili aku mandikan lagi kat laut, pakai pelampung dia tu. Ombak petang ni agak kuat + air pasang, jadi pelampung tu perlu dijaga lebih sikit lah. Bola yang aku bawak pun dimain jugak, tapi penat nak menangkapnya kalau main atas air rupanya. Mengah...huah huah huah....
Penat la menaip. Lepas ni cerita pasal makan malam yang terakhir pulak...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Trip ke Pulau Pangkor (3)
Alarm handphone yang aku set berbunyi tepat jam 6.00 pagi. Memang aku set awal. Dengan semangat yang berkobar-kobar, aku bersiap apa yang patut. Jam 7.00 pagi, aku, Wan dan Man dah keluar bilik untuk cari tempat untuk sarapan pagi. Isteri aku masih lagi dihanyut mimpi indah jadi dia tak lah turun, lagi pun anak kami, Lili tu tengah tidur, malas nak kacau. Mak, Ayah dan Nurul pun malas nak keluar, semua sambung tidur balik. Memang betul-betul bercuti dan berehat diorang ni. Aku pulak kalau bercuti ni, rugi rasanya tidur banyak-banyak sebab masa akan terasa cepat jer habis.
Tempat untuk 'breakfast' dijumpai. Berapa langkah je dari chalet kami. Tepi laut lagi tu, memang layan, siap buat meja stail bar menghadap ke laut lagi pulak. Ada la dalam 1 jam kami bertiga breakfast + lepak kat situ. Menu, nasi lemak, mee goreng, kue tiaw goreng, kuih. Harga lebih sikit je dari biasa, amat berpatutan. Time nih nampak dah ada orang turun mandi, terutamanya budak-budak. Memang syok sebab matahari belum naik lagi.
Lepas bayar makanan, terus je kami bertiga menyusur pantai ke teluk paling hujung kat Teluk Nipah ni. Air tengah surut, best sangat buat terjunan dari atas batu kat hujung teluk ni. bergilir-gilir kami panjat-terjun batu, Man yang tak pernah buat pun jadi berani bila kene hasut dengan abang-abangnya ni. Berdengung-dengung telinga kitorang masuk keluar air laut. Ada la dalam 2 jam (sampai pukul 10.00 pagi) buat bende tu sampai matahari naik, bila dah panas kami pun beransur la balik ke bilik. Rehat sekejap, bilas-bilas badan sebelum keluar untuk makan tengahari lepas zohor.
Dalam pukul 1.30 petang, kami semua keluar untuk makan tengahari. Masing-masing perut dah berbunyi terutama yang tak keluar pagi tadi untuk breakfast. Cari makanan untuk tengahari tak sesukar mencari makan malam. Cumanya kami kena tunggu sekejap untuk tunggu nasi masak. Takde la lama sangat pun. Walau pun masakan sedapnya tak seberapa, harga yang kami kena bayar macam agak mahal skit. Kedai makan ni dekat dengan surau, betul-betul sebelah lorong keluar masuk chalet. Masa makan ni la keluar cadangan untuk sewa motor. Boleh round pulau. Jadi Wan ditugaskan untuk survey harga motor lepas makan tengahari ni...
Aku nak sambung official work jap. Nanti aku post lagik sambungan...
Tempat untuk 'breakfast' dijumpai. Berapa langkah je dari chalet kami. Tepi laut lagi tu, memang layan, siap buat meja stail bar menghadap ke laut lagi pulak. Ada la dalam 1 jam kami bertiga breakfast + lepak kat situ. Menu, nasi lemak, mee goreng, kue tiaw goreng, kuih. Harga lebih sikit je dari biasa, amat berpatutan. Time nih nampak dah ada orang turun mandi, terutamanya budak-budak. Memang syok sebab matahari belum naik lagi.
Lepas bayar makanan, terus je kami bertiga menyusur pantai ke teluk paling hujung kat Teluk Nipah ni. Air tengah surut, best sangat buat terjunan dari atas batu kat hujung teluk ni. bergilir-gilir kami panjat-terjun batu, Man yang tak pernah buat pun jadi berani bila kene hasut dengan abang-abangnya ni. Berdengung-dengung telinga kitorang masuk keluar air laut. Ada la dalam 2 jam (sampai pukul 10.00 pagi) buat bende tu sampai matahari naik, bila dah panas kami pun beransur la balik ke bilik. Rehat sekejap, bilas-bilas badan sebelum keluar untuk makan tengahari lepas zohor.
Dalam pukul 1.30 petang, kami semua keluar untuk makan tengahari. Masing-masing perut dah berbunyi terutama yang tak keluar pagi tadi untuk breakfast. Cari makanan untuk tengahari tak sesukar mencari makan malam. Cumanya kami kena tunggu sekejap untuk tunggu nasi masak. Takde la lama sangat pun. Walau pun masakan sedapnya tak seberapa, harga yang kami kena bayar macam agak mahal skit. Kedai makan ni dekat dengan surau, betul-betul sebelah lorong keluar masuk chalet. Masa makan ni la keluar cadangan untuk sewa motor. Boleh round pulau. Jadi Wan ditugaskan untuk survey harga motor lepas makan tengahari ni...
Aku nak sambung official work jap. Nanti aku post lagik sambungan...
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Trip ke Pulau Pangkor (2)
So, lepas je settle down barang kat bilik, apa lagi, lebih kurang pukul 5.00 petang terus je ajak mereka-mereka yang berkenaan untuk ke mana? mana lagi, ke laut lah wehh!! Yang mandi Wan, Man, Lili dan of course lah aku sendiri. Cuaca petang ni sangat baik. Pelancong pun boleh tahan ramai. Banyak juga yang beraya kat Pangkor, ingatkan penuh dengan kaum bukan Melayu. Iyer lah, bila lagi nak bercuti. Alang-alang dah cuti raya, campur la sekali dengan makan angin. Turun laut kali ni lain skit daripada yang sebelum-sebelum ni sebab kali ni ada bawak pelampung untuk anak kitorang, Lili. Syok betul dapat dengar bunyi ombak, rasa angin bayu laut berhembus ke pipi, seroi pasir dipijak kaki. Dushh!!! Maka terjunlah kami ke dalam laut dan terapung-apunglah Lili dalam pelampungnya tu. Ibunya hanya memerhati dari jauh, tak mandi, tu je yang tak bestnya.
Permulaannya Lili macam cuak duduk dalam pelampung tu, tapi bila diagah-agah, ok lah dia. Sampai tertidur dalam pelampung tu, rasanya sebab pening dibuai-buai ombak dan juga campur penat mengharung perjalanan dari jam 11.00 pagi. Sepuas-puasnya kami mandi laut, pukul 6.30 petang baru kami naik. Sampai Kecut!! Dah mandi lama-lama ni, sejuk, lepas tu mula lah terasa lapar perut ni. Takpe. Naik bilik dulu, bilas badan dengan air paip, lepas tu tunggu Maghrib, baru bleh keluar makan.
Dalam pukul 8.00 malam kami keluar untuk makan. Banyak warung yang bukak untuk makan malam, walau pun musin raya. Cuma masalahnya, tiap-tiap warung yang ada tu penuh dengan manusia, ramai yang mukanya dah macam makan peria, kelat je. Dah lama menunggu santapan tak kunjung tiba la tu. Kami sampai 2 kali berpindah warung, dah duduk lepas tu bangun untuk cari warung lain. Akhirnya warung (restoran la kot) yang ke tiga baru la confirm kami duduk dan order makanan. Santapan kami, Bihun Goreng dan Chicken Chop. Aku tanya budak waiter tu, chicken chop ni kuah apa? black pepper ke mushroom? Terpinga-pinga dia nak menjawab. Tak apa la, aku order jugak. Bila sampai, rupa-rupanya yang dimaksudkan adalah ayam bahagian dada yang 'digoreng'. Kuahnya? Cili sos. Cis!! patut terkial-kial nak jawab. RM 12 tu harganya. Redha je la, perut dah lapar. Jumlah keseluruhan yang perlu dibayar untuk makan malam 8 orang, RM 89.00. Agak mahal, tapi memandangkan musim cuti raya, kira ok la harga tu. Maka baliklah kami semua ke bilik dengan perut yang kenyang lebih kurang jam 12.00 pagi. Sempat jugak isteri aku window shopping kat gerai-gerai baju, dah target la tu. So tamatlah hari pertama, dan tak sabar nak bangkit subuh esok utk mandian pagi di laut.
Sambungan catatan hari kedua, lepas ni...
Permulaannya Lili macam cuak duduk dalam pelampung tu, tapi bila diagah-agah, ok lah dia. Sampai tertidur dalam pelampung tu, rasanya sebab pening dibuai-buai ombak dan juga campur penat mengharung perjalanan dari jam 11.00 pagi. Sepuas-puasnya kami mandi laut, pukul 6.30 petang baru kami naik. Sampai Kecut!! Dah mandi lama-lama ni, sejuk, lepas tu mula lah terasa lapar perut ni. Takpe. Naik bilik dulu, bilas badan dengan air paip, lepas tu tunggu Maghrib, baru bleh keluar makan.
Dalam pukul 8.00 malam kami keluar untuk makan. Banyak warung yang bukak untuk makan malam, walau pun musin raya. Cuma masalahnya, tiap-tiap warung yang ada tu penuh dengan manusia, ramai yang mukanya dah macam makan peria, kelat je. Dah lama menunggu santapan tak kunjung tiba la tu. Kami sampai 2 kali berpindah warung, dah duduk lepas tu bangun untuk cari warung lain. Akhirnya warung (restoran la kot) yang ke tiga baru la confirm kami duduk dan order makanan. Santapan kami, Bihun Goreng dan Chicken Chop. Aku tanya budak waiter tu, chicken chop ni kuah apa? black pepper ke mushroom? Terpinga-pinga dia nak menjawab. Tak apa la, aku order jugak. Bila sampai, rupa-rupanya yang dimaksudkan adalah ayam bahagian dada yang 'digoreng'. Kuahnya? Cili sos. Cis!! patut terkial-kial nak jawab. RM 12 tu harganya. Redha je la, perut dah lapar. Jumlah keseluruhan yang perlu dibayar untuk makan malam 8 orang, RM 89.00. Agak mahal, tapi memandangkan musim cuti raya, kira ok la harga tu. Maka baliklah kami semua ke bilik dengan perut yang kenyang lebih kurang jam 12.00 pagi. Sempat jugak isteri aku window shopping kat gerai-gerai baju, dah target la tu. So tamatlah hari pertama, dan tak sabar nak bangkit subuh esok utk mandian pagi di laut.
Sambungan catatan hari kedua, lepas ni...
Friday, September 25, 2009
Trip ke Pulau Pangkor
21 September 2009 (Selasa):
Perjalanan dimulakan ke Pangkor dari rumah Ayah Njang aku di Sri Manjung, anaknya bertunang. Dengan 2 kereta, Kelisa & Kenari kami terus ke Jeti Lumut. Lepas turunkan orang dan barang, kereta dibawa ke tempat letak kereta bertingkat Majlis Daerah Manjung (MDM). Memang senang dapat parking. Murah pun murah, 3 hari baru RM 14 je, kira ikut jam. Nak naik feri, kami beli tiket pergi balik, seorang RM 10. Ada 8 orang jadinya RM 80 COD. Jaga tiket elok-elok jangan hilang. Perjalanan dengan feri ambil masa lebih kurang 1/2 jam, jangan turun kat jeti pertama, ni untuk orang-orang tempatan kat pulau ni, tunggu jeti yang kedua barulah turun.
Sampai kat jeti Pangkor, perasan perubahan berbanding kali terakhir datang tahun 2005. Jeti pangkor sekarang ni tengah diubahsuai untuk lebih 'world-class' dengan interior, landscape dan laluan yang lebih selesa dan teratur. Macam dulu jugak, satu-satunya pengangkutan nak ke tempat penginapan (Pasir Bogak atau Teluk Nipah) adalah dengan menaiki 'Teksi Pink'. Teksi ni boleh muat 8 - 9 orang, jadinya sedang elok la untuk kami. Dengan bayaran tambang RM 20 untuk sebuah teksi, kami selamat dihantar ke Teluk Nipah, betul-betul di depan chalet penginapan kami, Palma Beach Resort, Teluk Nipah. Lepas bayar bayaran baki chalet, dapat kunci terus naik bilik untuk hantar barang. Dalam kepala ni dok terbayang mandi laut dah. Harga chalet ikut jenis. Kami ambik 1 'Standard' RM 95 dan 1 "Family' RM 150. Untuk percutian 3 hari malam kami tempah chalet untuk 2 malam. Jumlah keseluruhan yang perlu dibayar adalah RM 490. Itulah harga waktu cuti macam sekarang. Sebelum sampai dah 'bank-in' RM100, baki dijelaskan bila dah selamat sampai ke chalet. OK chalet ni, bilik-biliknya baru di 'touch-up' siap bagi tilam extra lagi. Sikit je la masalahnya, pressure air selalu rendah kadang-kadang sampai takde air langsung. Kene la telefon makcik di bawah bagi tau lepas tu ok la. Rasanya pam diorang rosak kot.
Ngantuk pulak mata ni, tak habis lagi cerita hari pertama kat pangkor. Esok aku sambung lagi...
Perjalanan dimulakan ke Pangkor dari rumah Ayah Njang aku di Sri Manjung, anaknya bertunang. Dengan 2 kereta, Kelisa & Kenari kami terus ke Jeti Lumut. Lepas turunkan orang dan barang, kereta dibawa ke tempat letak kereta bertingkat Majlis Daerah Manjung (MDM). Memang senang dapat parking. Murah pun murah, 3 hari baru RM 14 je, kira ikut jam. Nak naik feri, kami beli tiket pergi balik, seorang RM 10. Ada 8 orang jadinya RM 80 COD. Jaga tiket elok-elok jangan hilang. Perjalanan dengan feri ambil masa lebih kurang 1/2 jam, jangan turun kat jeti pertama, ni untuk orang-orang tempatan kat pulau ni, tunggu jeti yang kedua barulah turun.
Sampai kat jeti Pangkor, perasan perubahan berbanding kali terakhir datang tahun 2005. Jeti pangkor sekarang ni tengah diubahsuai untuk lebih 'world-class' dengan interior, landscape dan laluan yang lebih selesa dan teratur. Macam dulu jugak, satu-satunya pengangkutan nak ke tempat penginapan (Pasir Bogak atau Teluk Nipah) adalah dengan menaiki 'Teksi Pink'. Teksi ni boleh muat 8 - 9 orang, jadinya sedang elok la untuk kami. Dengan bayaran tambang RM 20 untuk sebuah teksi, kami selamat dihantar ke Teluk Nipah, betul-betul di depan chalet penginapan kami, Palma Beach Resort, Teluk Nipah. Lepas bayar bayaran baki chalet, dapat kunci terus naik bilik untuk hantar barang. Dalam kepala ni dok terbayang mandi laut dah. Harga chalet ikut jenis. Kami ambik 1 'Standard' RM 95 dan 1 "Family' RM 150. Untuk percutian 3 hari malam kami tempah chalet untuk 2 malam. Jumlah keseluruhan yang perlu dibayar adalah RM 490. Itulah harga waktu cuti macam sekarang. Sebelum sampai dah 'bank-in' RM100, baki dijelaskan bila dah selamat sampai ke chalet. OK chalet ni, bilik-biliknya baru di 'touch-up' siap bagi tilam extra lagi. Sikit je la masalahnya, pressure air selalu rendah kadang-kadang sampai takde air langsung. Kene la telefon makcik di bawah bagi tau lepas tu ok la. Rasanya pam diorang rosak kot.
Ngantuk pulak mata ni, tak habis lagi cerita hari pertama kat pangkor. Esok aku sambung lagi...
Monday, September 21, 2009
It's Eidul Fitri !!!
Busy-ness and tiredness has made me unable to arrive to this blog for some time. Only today, at 3-rd day of Eidul Fitri I'm able to create some post as its a week holiday since last friday. It has been a joyful raya for me and the whole family. Visiting relatives had bring tiredness but thank god, its not as tired as in Ramadhan because after a month fasting, Muslim now can eat and drink during the day (Also a factor of tiredness, have to eat rendang, lemang, nasi impit, kuih raya etc.). Hope to see the blessed Ramadhan again next year. Actually today me and family are preparing for Pangkor in less than ooo7 hrs. It will be a first time trip for my baby, Liz Halili Husna, 11 months to an island. Previously she had a trip to Genting Highland when she was 3 months. Her father also eagerly wanted to go to Pangkor after months of restless work at office. Already imagine doing a nasty jump (terjun tiruk) at the white sandy beach of Teluk Nipah, Pangkor Island. Before ending this post, me and family would like to take this opportunity to seek forgiveness to all Muslim, relatives and friend for any misbehaviour or mistake and also give forgiveness to all. May Allah bless us all and drive us to His 'Hidayah' and enable us to meet holy Ramadhan 2010. Don't forget to drop by this blog as I will post our experience on the trip to Pangkor as soon as I get back....
Monday, August 17, 2009
Superstitious vs Things That Should be Believed
Superstitious: An english word when translated in malay language is 'Hal-hal yang Karut'. For me, it is not including 'makhluk halus', 'perkara ghaib' etc. that should be believed.
In Islam, Rukun Iman that consist of 6 subject are by all means need muslims to believe in 'perkara ghaib', in my humble opinion. So using that one example, it is really true that 'perkara ghaib' and 'makhluk halus' are exist and should be believed though it is not superstitious. Other things that should be believed are 'syaitan' and 'jin'.
However, we should not be 'over-react' towards 'perkara ghaib' such as disturbance on a children, suspicion of 'buatan orang' towards ourself and few other things because it will make our life dependant on the kind of treatment for this, also not to mention the feeling of scared and always unsecure even to do solat in a surau. Up to these stage, it means that the dark side has won over us and also over our life.
The best way is to seek protection from Allah, and it is not a superstitious act to practice any 'bacaan' from Quran or 'amalan' (as advised by Rasulullah S.A.W) as long as it is not to the stage of 'mensyirikkan Allah' (Tangkal, Azimat, Mandi Bunga etc).
I'm more to scientific or psychologically explaination when come across any problem arised. For example, a children that cries more than usual may have not been disturbed by a 'makhluk halus', they maybe just need extra attention after a period of unhealthiness (fever, cold or flu) so their parents should be calm and not making assumption. Normal human being, especially the muslims should know when to seek help of 'orang alim' on the children. There are obvious sign when disturbance happen (Super loud screaming (not crying), wide red open eyes, hurting own self etc.) and these signs should be take seriously and be treated by the special way.
It is true that 'Superstitious' and 'Things That Should be Believed' stand side by side and have a grey line as their border line. Up to us to think rationally and decide. Also remember, what we do are watched by our children and sooner, they will practice it to the other generation. So do good now for other generation to be good. May Allah protect us and our family.
In Islam, Rukun Iman that consist of 6 subject are by all means need muslims to believe in 'perkara ghaib', in my humble opinion. So using that one example, it is really true that 'perkara ghaib' and 'makhluk halus' are exist and should be believed though it is not superstitious. Other things that should be believed are 'syaitan' and 'jin'.
However, we should not be 'over-react' towards 'perkara ghaib' such as disturbance on a children, suspicion of 'buatan orang' towards ourself and few other things because it will make our life dependant on the kind of treatment for this, also not to mention the feeling of scared and always unsecure even to do solat in a surau. Up to these stage, it means that the dark side has won over us and also over our life.
The best way is to seek protection from Allah, and it is not a superstitious act to practice any 'bacaan' from Quran or 'amalan' (as advised by Rasulullah S.A.W) as long as it is not to the stage of 'mensyirikkan Allah' (Tangkal, Azimat, Mandi Bunga etc).
I'm more to scientific or psychologically explaination when come across any problem arised. For example, a children that cries more than usual may have not been disturbed by a 'makhluk halus', they maybe just need extra attention after a period of unhealthiness (fever, cold or flu) so their parents should be calm and not making assumption. Normal human being, especially the muslims should know when to seek help of 'orang alim' on the children. There are obvious sign when disturbance happen (Super loud screaming (not crying), wide red open eyes, hurting own self etc.) and these signs should be take seriously and be treated by the special way.
It is true that 'Superstitious' and 'Things That Should be Believed' stand side by side and have a grey line as their border line. Up to us to think rationally and decide. Also remember, what we do are watched by our children and sooner, they will practice it to the other generation. So do good now for other generation to be good. May Allah protect us and our family.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Going Back Hometown - A Feel Good Factor
We're enjoying our holiday at our hometown, Batu Gajah and Pusing (Perak) to be exact. It has been 1 month plus since our last visit. Hectic work task and unexpected work schedule made our plan to 'balik kampung' for at least once per month cannot be realized. Going back hometown not only resemble of just meeting our parents, siblings and relatives, but also a good time to relax from daily work. Despite that, there's still a lot of things that has to be done during our stay at hometown such as attending friend's and relative's wedding invitation eventhough that will be a sort of exhausting activity. Anyway, going back to hometown for me is one of a feel good factor to reduce unnecessary stress resulted from city-living syndrome. Okay, got-to-go for a wedding invitation right now. Bubbye...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Woodward's Gripe Water for babies - What a Miracle?!
It was our baby, Liz Halili Husna, 7 months plus, suddenly crying out loud seems like don't have an ending. It' s not that she never cry like this before but this one seems a bit 'painful'. Luckily I bought this Woodward's Gripe Water. It stated at the bottle pack 'Relief of Wind & Gripe'. We gave her 2 teaspoon of it and, in less than 5 sec, our baby are back to her smiling grin, sweet as always. phewwww.... What a wow!! So could anybody give a scientific explanation about this miracle? For info, the active ingredients in this product is as below:
Terpeneless Dill Seed Oil 2.3mg
Sodium Bicarbonate (B.P.) 52.5mg
Preserve with nipasept sodium 0.15% w/v
Just for the sake of adding knowledge into self, I would appreciate any comments out there about how's this thing works. Anyway and anyhow, I really recommend this for parents. Try it....
My 5th Anniversary @ MPC
Today, 1st June was the day of my report duty at National Productivity Corporation (NPC) now have been known as Malaysia Productivity Corporation (MPC). It was on 2004. There's a lot of experience both good and bad had been collected from since that day. From bachelor until I'm married and became a daddy now. I hope I'll be able to continue as an asset to MPC rather than a liability so that this line of life could be proceeded as it is now. There were some of my batch that had taken the opportunity to expand their wings and make MPC as their 'jumping rock'. Well.... it's their right for their future. I'm in support of whatever that is better than the past. From about 10 (someone please correct me if I miscount on this) officer and support staff that made report duty with me at that day, 2 have chose to 'fly away'. For me.... I think MPC still the best for me, and my wife because she's also an MPC ian (may she think the same as me). For that, happy 5th anniversary at MPC for myself and all my badge. Keep up our good work ;)
p/s: may there be another anniversary at MPC for year 2010.
p/s: may there be another anniversary at MPC for year 2010.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Jaya Supermarket, Section 14, Petaling jaya Tragedy

The tragedy happened on last thursday, 30th May 2009 about 4.45 pm when the building collapsed. Historically, Jaya Supermarket building was a well-known landmark for Petaling Jaya since 1974 (I was only born 6 years after that). About the tragedy, i have questions pending to be answered in my head. Among the questions are:
How does our construction industry (in Malaysia) is monitored?
Did they monitor enough in terms of giving approval for this such 'redevelopment' project?
Are the implementation on the work done after the approval monitored?
I'm asking because I was not a civil engineering student, so of course I didn't know and didn't understand the procedure for it. But no matter what answer I will get for the two questions above, one more question will be harder to be answered. Does all building we live in, work in and shop in are 100% safe to be lived in, worked in and shop in? How do we answer this question when car park of Jaya Supermarket building that was only approved by the Local Council to be extended for only 6 storey became 10 storey?. It was the story of early 90's where the disaster took place after approximately 18 years after that. How about other structure around us?. Is it really safe for ourself and our families? Thank god this Jaya Supermarket tragedy happened in the middle of the process to redevelop it and not before or after that to be risky enough for the life of public. It is not impossible for this tragedy to happen on other structure, if no comprehensive and consistent measure be put into place. May this tragedy act as a guide for a better and safer living for Malaysian.
p/s: Until this blog were written, 4 construction worker has been found killed in this tragedy. May god bless them. 12 houses near the tragedy area also has been ordered to be cleared in order for the authorities to run the demolishing for the whole of the structure left.
Info on Jaya Supermarket -
Friday, May 29, 2009
Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC)
Have you heard of ICC ? It's an initial for Innovative & Creative Circle. Previously it was known as QCC (Quality Control Circle). Being a workplace problem solving tools, it was one from many improvement methods taken from Japan. My workplace is one that provide training for this method in Malaysia. To implement it must have a strong support from management side. An ICC team consist of not more than 7 members that work together in a same workplace. They are suppose to sit and discuss what are the problems that they must eliminate or are there an improvement that could be done to gain more revenue for their company. They also must set up specific time frame for their project to be completed.PDCA (Plan, Do, Check & Action) are the main rules that they must adhere to make sure the success of the project. Companies are likely to adopt ICC in their workplace because they will get back what have been invested in forms of less-wastage, shorter timeframe for a work process and the best off all, it's all were done by their own staff and personnel. One of the example of output from ICC that have been beneficial are process time to apply for a pasport at Immigration of Malaysia that is now only in a day compared to previous time. It is a benefit for all applicants of Malaysian passport nowadays so that they don't have to wait for their 'whole life'. I'm writing this in the middle of ICC convention of MPC. It's kinda hectic and lots of last minute work to finalise our project. The convention will be tomorrow, full day. Hope our presentation will gone well...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Welcome to 'Aizulhisham's Line of Life'
This is my first entry into Blogspot. Take it as a 'welcome' sign from me for those who read this. Hopefully I'm having sufficient stories to put in, or else it might be like a 'long-time-no-open' blog. Hopefully not... I'l try to put things that could act as an insight for readers and most of it will be zoomed about life as my blog title, 'Aizulhisham's line of Life'. Feel free to comment on any of my post so that I could share experience with other bloggers out there... chow
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